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Tuesday 24 April 2012

Sleep? What is that?

So, I was on the herald online catching up on some news and saw this very interesting article on sleep.  Or in my case lack of it.   Here's the link, it's worth the read: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=10800027 .  It definitely hit me from the title "The dangers of not getting enough sleep: study" and I knew I had to read the full article.  Let me tell ya, it's scary!!  Some of the things I already knew, but this article just made it that much more real.  This is one area I need serious help in.  It's hard when I can only work on my cakes after hours (once my little cake monsters are asleep and I know my creations will be safe, hehe).  But I should find another way that's not going to compromise my health!  This is in my to-do-right-away list for sure.  We'll see how it goes!!  Today doesn't count though, because I'm still up from yesterday.  :-(  Super tired!!  Lord, please give me the strength to get this cake done soon so I can rest my eyes because I know I can't do it on my own!!  Amen!

Hope you all have a lovely day today!!  Enjoy the sun!!


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